Fire and Ice
“Do you know what happens when ice touches a hot surface? It evaporates!” Why is it that certain words have more impact than others? Why is it that some never seem to get purged from the filing cabinet in our mind and are brought to the surface more times than we care to admit? Is it because of who said them? The tone or inflection in the voice? The context in which they were said? Or is it because such words were so hurtful and were seared into the memory bank so deep, they can’t help but to surface now and again? I pass an electronic billboard every Sunday on my way to church. Yesterday, just as I passed by, the words fire and ice popped up and stood out like a neon sign vying for my attention. I have no idea what was being advertised but the fire and ice reference that came to my mind, is the sentence above. Two simple nouns in the English language forever altered in my mind due to the hurtful way in which they were verbalized to me. I truly believe they will be etched there forevermore. However, what makes the difference now is how I choose to view them. They can be a source of grief and depression or I can look at them as being one of the first steps in the process toward my ultimate freedom from abuse and trauma. A few years before the message above was seared into the recesses of my mind, my spouse, as he was at that time, was involved in a battle for his very soul. It was not a physical battle he was engaged in but a spiritual one. He didn’t talk to me very often about the warring that went on in his mind, but the few times he did, he said if he couldn’t be hot in his walk with the LORD, he might as well be cold. He was referring to a passage of scripture found in the book of Revelation where Jesus is talking to the church at Laodicea, which is modern day Turkey. They had lost their first love. This church had become lovers of self and had fallen into apostasy. They had become apathetic. In other words, they refused to continue in what they knew to be truth. They simply decided to reject God and His commands. Essentially, they had become “black sheep christians”. (If there is such a thing.) “‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.” ~ Revelation 3:15-17 ESV This was the battle that raged in his mind. He had become apathetic towards God and truth. He lived in a gray area, of which God is not. God is black and white; absolute; right or wrong; no middle ground. Once my former spouse made the decision to be cold towards God, his coldness toward me increased as well. My initial thought about his decision to go cold was that perhaps it wouldn’t have been a bad thing because God can work with an absolute. I prayed for the Holy Spirit to convict his troubled heart and bring him back. What happened was quite the opposite. Instead, he withdrew from me even more and spent a lot of time alone. He left the house to get away from me as often as he could and didn’t talk to me very much. At the time, I didn’t understand it but, as I reflect on this scripture from Revelation, his words above, and consider them with everything I know now, it makes perfect sense. As one who loves Jesus with her whole heart, I have a very difficult time understanding how anyone who’s known perfect love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness, could ever willingly walk away from it. (These are the beautiful gifts received ~ through no merit of one’s own ~ when one becomes a child of God through the blood of Jesus Christ.) When I gave my heart to Jesus, I had the desire to do whatever He wanted me to do and go wherever He wanted me to go. I cannot get away from the fact that my heart belongs to Him…forever. I will be transparent and admit right here that there was a brief period of time when I chose to do some things I knew were wrong. I knew I had made a conscious choice to sin but I did it anyway. I had my reasons at the time and yes, I justified them to myself. Didn’t change the fact that I was 100% wrong! But one morning, as I was stopped at a red-light, conviction hit me like a ton of bricks. The presence of the Holy Spirit filled my car and if I’d have been able to, I would’ve been flat on my face! Being strapped in by a seat-belt, I bowed my head as far down as I could get it and with tears of grief pouring from my eyes, confessed my blatant sin to my Heavenly Father. I asked Him to forgive my rebellious heart and restore my relationship with Him. And He did! In that very moment, the weight I’d been carrying was lifted. All I had to do was ask. That’s how I know that I know that I know, if you are a true child of God, you absolutely, 100% CANNOT live in sin because the Almighty, Holy God will NOT allow His children to do so. It is an impossibility. The Holy Spirit will convict. No words have to be uttered. No audible voice from the clouds need reach your ears. (Even though I believe with all my heart those things are possible if