
Fire and Ice

“Do you know what happens when ice touches a hot surface? It evaporates!” Why is it that certain words have more impact than others?  Why is it that some never seem to get purged from the filing cabinet in our mind and are brought to the surface more times than we care to admit? Is it because of who said them? The tone or inflection in the voice? The context in which they were said? Or is it because such words were so hurtful and were seared into the memory bank so deep, they can’t help but to surface now and again? I pass an electronic billboard every Sunday on my way to church. Yesterday, just as I passed by, the words fire and ice popped up and stood out like a neon sign vying for my attention. I have no idea what was being advertised but the fire and ice reference that came to my mind, is the sentence above. Two simple nouns in the English language forever altered in my mind due to the hurtful way in which they were verbalized to me. I truly believe they will be etched there forevermore. However, what makes the difference now is how I choose to view them. They can be a source of grief and depression or I can look at them as being one of the first steps in the process toward my ultimate freedom from abuse and trauma. A few years before the message above was seared into the recesses of my mind, my spouse, as he was at that time, was involved in a battle for his very soul. It was not a physical battle he was engaged in but a spiritual one. He didn’t talk to me very often about the warring that went on in his mind, but the few times he did, he said if he couldn’t be hot in his walk with the LORD, he might as well be cold. He was referring to a passage of scripture found in the book of Revelation where Jesus is talking to the church at Laodicea, which is modern day Turkey. They had lost their first love. This church had become lovers of self and had fallen into apostasy. They had become apathetic. In other words, they refused to continue in what they knew to be truth. They simply decided to reject God and His commands. Essentially, they had become “black sheep christians”. (If there is such a thing.) “‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of My mouth. For you say, I am rich, I have prospered, and I need nothing, not realizing that you are wretched, pitiable, poor, blind, and naked.” ~ Revelation 3:15-17 ESV This was the battle that raged in his mind. He had become apathetic towards God and truth. He lived in a gray area, of which God is not. God is black and white; absolute; right or wrong; no middle ground. Once my former spouse made the decision to be cold towards God, his coldness toward me increased as well. My initial thought about his decision to go cold was that perhaps it wouldn’t have been a bad thing because God can work with an absolute. I prayed for the Holy Spirit to convict his troubled heart and bring him back. What happened was quite the opposite. Instead, he withdrew from me even more and spent a lot of time alone. He left the house to get away from me as often as he could and didn’t talk to me very much. At the time, I didn’t understand it but, as I reflect on this scripture from Revelation, his words above, and consider them with everything I know now, it makes perfect sense. As one who loves Jesus with her whole heart, I have a very difficult time understanding how anyone who’s known perfect love, grace, mercy, and forgiveness, could ever willingly walk away from it. (These are the beautiful gifts received ~ through no merit of one’s own ~ when one becomes a child of God through the blood of Jesus Christ.) When I gave my heart to Jesus, I had the desire to do whatever He wanted me to do and go wherever He wanted me to go. I cannot get away from the fact that my heart belongs to Him…forever. I will be transparent and admit right here that there was a brief period of time when I chose to do some things I knew were wrong. I knew I had made a conscious choice to sin but I did it anyway. I had my reasons at the time and yes, I justified them to myself. Didn’t change the fact that I was 100% wrong! But one morning, as I was stopped at a red-light, conviction hit me like a ton of bricks. The presence of the Holy Spirit filled my car and if I’d have been able to, I would’ve been flat on my face! Being strapped in by a seat-belt, I bowed my head as far down as I could get it and with tears of grief pouring from my eyes, confessed my blatant sin to my Heavenly Father. I asked Him to forgive my rebellious heart and restore my relationship with Him. And He did! In that very moment, the weight I’d been carrying was lifted. All I had to do was ask. That’s how I know that I know that I know, if you are a true child of God, you absolutely, 100% CANNOT live in sin because the Almighty, Holy God will NOT allow His children to do so. It is an impossibility. The Holy Spirit will convict. No words have to be uttered. No audible voice from the clouds need reach your ears. (Even though I believe with all my heart those things are possible if

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Reflecting on Thankfulness

This year has passed all too quickly! It seems like I shouldn’t be sitting here reflecting on all this year has held already. However, I have learned the older I get the faster time flies. It’s just a reality of life that must be embraced because it is truth, no matter how much it always seems to surprise me. When Tami and I started this website ministry, back in July of 2018, we had no idea we’d have as many hits and viewers as our stats now show. It is humbling, to say the least. Even though we don’t receive much feedback or comments on our content, the map shows us how many log on and view and/or read our posts and for that, we are forever grateful. I am not much of a website expert nor do I really know how to track data as I’d like to, but if you’ve been one of our consistent followers and we just don’t know because your comments don’t get recorded or tracked appropriately (due to my lack of tech savy-ness), please send us an email at because we’d love to hear from you! With that being said, we want you to know that we are thankful for you! So very thankful!! Thank you for supporting us and being faithful to our website and blog. We are grateful for all the Holy Spirit has allowed us to share. He has stretched us in different ways and we have learned, grown, and healed on this journey with you. Our prayer is that each and every word has touched you and blessed you in a profound way. We pray you were (and are) able to hear what the Holy Spirit was (and is) speaking to your heart through the words He placed on our hearts to share. We are thankful that God is a personal God. He deals with us individually and He never plays favorites. We are all the same at the foot of the cross. He has a unique path for each one of His children. He knows our exact circumstances and will lead each one of us according to His will for our lives. Our part is to be obedient and follow Him with complete faith and trust. We realize this is easier said than done but we can assure you, from personal experience, that it is WELL worth it. The pathway He’s prepared may be rough and full of valley’s at times, but He is there. Always there. Going before us. We are thankful for grace. God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Unmerited favor. Underserved yet lavished upon us. His amazing, matchless grace. He took our sin upon Himself then He gives us approval that we don’t deserve. It doesn’t make sense but it’s exactly what He did. Oh, how we thank Him for grace. We are thankful for God’s love and forgiveness. For His unconditional love. We are thankful He accepts us just as we are but loves us too much to leave us that way. He wants to transform us. He wants His love to so permeate our hearts that it spills out on all those around us. We are thankful, also, for His forgiveness. Through His precious blood, we are covered and it has cleansed us from ALL unrighteousness. We are no longer condemned. Even while we were still sinful and far away from Him, He died for us so we could be forgiven. Yes, we still fail and fall short but His love never waivers and His blood always covers. Oh, there is supernatural power in that redeeming blood. Oh, how thankful we are for His love and forgiveness of sin. We are thankful for valleys; for it’s in the valley we feel Him the closest to us. Valleys are for our growth and refinement. Valleys are for testing. Valleys are necessary. Valleys are for our good. Valleys are where He carries us. He cries with us. He laughs with us and He waits for us. We have learned so much in the valley. I think that’s why we so often find ourselves there. If all we ever experienced were mountain-top victories, how would we know what God can do in the valley? The valley shows us who God is. There’s such sweet and comforting fellowship in the valley. We are thankful for valleys. We are thankful for the quiet. It’s in the quiet when we listen the most intently. It’s in the quiet we can pour over His precious word and allow the Holy Spirit to speak truth into our hearts. It’s in the quiet we can lift up our praise as well as our petitions. It’s in the quiet where there are no distractions. Oh, how thankful we are for the quiet. We are thankful for healing. While healing is a process that can sometimes be excruciating, along with the healing comes a quiet confidence and strength you cannot explain. You know it’s God-given because it’s nothing you could have done on your own. It’s part of the process. While you grieve the loss or the tragedy, God is not only healing those wounds, He’s creating and developing an inner strength you don’t even realize is there. It’s not haughty or puffed-up because you know from whence you came…I like to call it a hot mess. God takes the ashes of your brokenness and molds them into something beautiful and stronger than you could ever possibly imagine. Oh, how very thankful we are for healing. As this year is very close to being at its end, a new one is just around the corner, LORD willing. Tami and I are looking forward to sharing more stories, more scripture, and more of what God is doing in our lives on this journey toward healing and restoration. Thank you all, once again, for logging on and letting us share just a small glimpse into our lives with Jesus. We appreciate you! Your Sisters in Christ,

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Faith of My Father

“Faith of our fathers, we will love both friend and foe in all our strife, and preach thee, too, as love knows how, by kindly words and virtuous life: Faith of our fathers, Holy faith! We will be true to thee till death.” ~ Frederick W. Faber, 1814-1863 (Baptist Hymnal, 1956) “Yet, the Lord set His heart in love on your fathers, and chose their offspring after them…as you are to this day.” ~ Deuteronomy 10:15 I’m not one of those people who can say, “As a kid in church, I remember how my dad sang the old hymns loudly and boldly, belting out his love for Jesus in beautiful, baritone-rich harmonies.” Oh, no! Some of my young Sunday school friends could claim it, or even boast of their parents singing in the choir. My dad, however, was special for different reasons. First of all, as a five year old, this girl thought he was quite handsome, standing tall in his black Sunday suit, crisp white shirt and tie, and polished dress shoes. Music filled the air of the small Southern Baptist church, rising on the voices of parishioners as the old hymns rang out with piano and organ in one accord. “Let’s all stand as we open our hymnals to page…” This is how the song director usually began, as we rose promptly to our feet, and Daddy, opening his hymnbook, would hold it close to my mother so she could read and sing along. He, personally, never uttered a word or sang a single note, but he stood tall, proudly participating in congregational worship without missing a beat, so to speak. You see, the only time my father let anyone hear him sing was at home when, four times a year, he would help sing happy birthday to my mom or one of us girls. He, of course, was given a reprieve on his own birthday, but as the years went by he stopped singing altogether, even on these few simple, annual occasions. Anyway, this is how we all knew that his lack of song participation in church was really about the gift he was giving to others around him; the gift of silence. But we kids never gave it a second thought, as we knew that this man, who was our everything, couldn’t carry a tune to save his life. And thankfully, for the hearing world, that was never required. Although, it also wasn’t that he was completely without musical talent, for he and my mom, during their dating years in the 1940s, made quite a pair in the world of square dancing and clogging. He could make his feet dance up a storm, but exercising his vocal chords was entirely a different matter. Some years after his passing, my sisters and I were helping our mom go through old things in the garage in advance of selling her house. One of my sisters, I don’t remember which, discovered a tattered box belonging to Daddy, filled with memorabilia he’d kept from his youth. There was a worn photograph of his very first car, a 1931 Ford Model A, that one of my sisters remembers him telling her about. By the time he was old enough to purchase it, sometime in the late ‘30s or early ‘40s, the car in the photograph looked tired and a little worse for the wear. Also in the box were a variety of other older photographs, some odds and ends, and miraculously one old report card from his elementary school days. We huddled around taking note of his childhood grades when we saw it: “Music…D!” We laughed until tears ran down our cheeks and were doubled over with aching bellies, immediately sending us back to those childhood Sundays that Daddy graciously spared us his (lack of) vocal giftedness. But, the Bible says to simply make a joyful “noise” unto the Lord, and so what he lacked musically, he more than made up for as husband, father, and child of God. He daily, quietly, the epitome of the southern gentleman that he was, lived out his faith. He “sang his song” differently than most. Was he perfect? No. And none of us are. That’s why we need Jesus, and that is the song his life sang each and every day. From the time I was born, he and my mom took me to church. At mealtime and bedtime, he taught me to pray. When I was injured, he would clean and dress my wounds (and somehow the mercurochrome solution didn’t sting as bad when he painted it on). Scraped knees and elbows, splinters and bee stings, all were his specialty…he tenderly met my physical needs while soothing my fears, as only he could. Not to sound sacrilegious, but he was “like Jesus with skin on”…doing what Jesus would do, ministering to needs. As an aside, I need to mention that visiting the doctor was also not as frightening with him there. This was usually Mama’s job, but I distinctly remember occasions when this duty fell to him, and whatever pain the doctor and nurses could inflict, or threaten to inflict, was nothing compared to the strength and stoicism he brought to the situation. I realized I could be brave because he was brave. Tucking my small hand into his larger one made all the difference. He wore that same quiet strength every day of his life. Daddy had a way with people that was genuine and “down-home.” His folksy ways didn’t allow room for a pretentious bone in his body, a product of good stock and being brought up with love, discipline, and a rock-solid sense of right and wrong. If older neighbors or family needed their lawn mowed, he mowed it. If someone was in need of a car ride to their destination, he gave it. If money was in need, he gave out of his meager but blessed livelihood. And if any of his children’s friends needed the kindness of

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This is new. I’ve never been here before. I don’t recognize it. It doesn’t remind me of any place I’ve ever been. And I’ve been a lot of places in my life. At least it’s not dark like the last time I was suddenly in a new place. That was scary. It feels different here, too. I can’t see very far down the path in front of me but I’m good with that. I’m thankful I don’t have to worry about what’s up ahead because I know Someone who already does and the way is prepared. So thankful He’ll be with me. One good thing about this place already is the pain isn’t as intense and debilitating as it once was. It’s not completely gone but it’s bearable. Wonder where I am? I’m sure this place has a name. Or maybe it’s just a word? I’ve definitely been to places I could define with just one word. HELP! But this place doesn’t feel desperate or like a place I should fear. Not quite sure how it feels here yet. Hmmmmm… Refreshing? Is that the right word? Maybe it’s still too new to know for sure. Guess I’ll think about it a little longe… You were just listening to me, weren’t You? Just me thinking out loud again. I do that a lot, don’t I? I get caught up in my own thoughts and get carried away sometimes. Yes, You do know that about me. It usually gets me in trouble by going down rabbit holes that distract me and throw me off the path. I was just trying to figure out how it feels here. It sure is. It’s definitely different from the last one. That place caught me completely off guard. Arriving here seems to have happened gradually. Yes, Jesus…that is one thing I learned last time. The places You lead always have purpose and usually come with a process. Just because it’s not as painful as the last one doesn’t mean I’m fooling myself into thinking there might not be a few rough patches along the way. I’ve actually come to expect them. But it does feel peaceful. Maybe that’s the word? Peaceful? Anyway… We’ve never been here before, have we? Didn’t think I recognized it. So, where is here? Do I? ‘Cause I’m not sure I do. I’m still trying to figure it out. I know it took a long time to get here…wherever it is we are…didn’t it? That long? Five years? Sometimes it feels like it all happened just yesterday. I still remember it like it did. But when I look at the date on the calendar, I know it’s true. I know. I struggled a lot during that time. No, it really shouldn’t. After being married as long as we were, it shouldn’t be a surprise. I still struggle sometimes. It was painful. More painful than I ever thought humanly possible. I didn’t know pain such as that even existed, let alone be survivable. Truth be told, somedays I didn’t want to survive. I just wanted You to take me home so it would stop. It was like someone had performed open heart surgery and, instead of mending it, blew it apart and walked away. ((Ugh)) I mean, who does that, Jesus? What type of person would deliberately cause pain and suffering to someone they were supposed to love more than anything? I know…I’ve asked this question a hundred times before…but I still can’t wrap my mind around it. How can anyone deliberately hurt another just for the pure enjoyment of it? It’s sick. The answer? Yes, I do. I do know it. I know it all too well. Someone who doesn’t know You. It was very dark there…in that place…remember? Of course, You do. You planted me there? So much has happened since then. Guess I need to be reminded, once in awhile, of where I started. It’s painful to go back to that place. But reflecting on it does show how far I’ve come. Yes, it was. It was very fast. One day, I was married and the next…well, You know the rest. I was confused, didn’t understand it, didn’t know why… Anyway… ((Sigh)) Yes. Yes, I do remember thinking you planted me as a tree. Not sure how I came to that conclusion being that trees don’t dwell in dark places. But seeds do. A fully grown mature tree starts in the ground as a seed. It’s a process. I was a seed in the dark and in the dirt. Not a very comfortable place to be and yet, I felt very secure. Protected. Covered. In fact, somehow, those feelings have never left me. Hmmmmm. I didn’t think my life could’ve been any lower at that point. I was crushed. I know You remember it, too. That place was such a paradox. I couldn’t figure out how I could be in such a dark place yet sense light. Or how I was seemingly alone yet felt held. And there was pain. Oh, I felt such pain and yet, I felt a soothing touch on my heart. It was strangely quiet, yet I was aware of sound. I can honestly say, I was really scared back then. It was a place that was unknown and did not make sense. But once I realized You were there, I wasn’t afraid anymore. When all I could see was darkness, You were there as the Light I could sense. When I was alone and couldn’t see You, You were there because I could feel You holding me. When I didn’t think I could bear the pain any longer, You were there because I could feel the relief of Your gentle touch on my heart. When it was quiet, You were there because I could hear You rejoicing over me with singing. Oh, yes. I hung on to that passage of scripture with everything within me because it brought such amazing comfort. “The Lord is near

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Rest, Renewal, and Letting Go

Have you ever second-guessed yourself? Have you ever wondered if decisions made in the past were the right ones? While I know reflecting on past decisions does no good because they cannot be changed, even so, that’s where I’ve been the past few weeks. Reflecting. Seeking. Praying. It’s very quiet in my house right now. The only sound is the whirr of the ceiling fan above me. I look out my window to see an overcast, gray sky and the grass in my backyard turned to yellow as it has gone dormant for the winter months. The temperature has dropped and leaves are falling from my dogwood tree. It, too, is preparing for its long winter’s nap. Seasons change. The grass and trees are doing exactly what God created them to do. Last Spring, new leaves and new grass emerged from their slumber to remind me that although things change, God brings renewal. Now, those same leaves and grass from last Spring have accomplished what they were created to do and are dying back in order to get ready for their reemergence next Spring, renewed, refreshed, and beautiful. It all seems so effortless. God’s beautiful and amazing creation knows exactly what to do each Spring and each Fall. No one has to tell them when to emerge from the ground or return to it. It’s just how He created them. They just do as their Creator instructs them. Oh, that life could be so effortless from a human stand-point. To just be and do as our Creator instructs us. But God did not create us with a seasonal pattern that we follow year in and year out. He created us for fellowship. He created us for relationship. He created us with a mind that can think and reason and relate. He created us with an innate desire and urgency to seek Him. But He also created us with a free will. A free will to choose His path or our own. A free will to seek a relationship with Him or pursue our own selfish desires. He created us with emotions. To feel contentment when all seems to be going well or to feel concern when someone we love is hurting or is sick. To feel love for another so deeply you can’t imagine life without it then feel pain so tangibly when forced to do so. To be grateful for all God’s blessed you with yet feel sadness for what was lost or what could’ve been. We are emotional beings. There are situations that happen to us in this world we can’t understand and bring us to our knees yet somehow we know God is in control. There are decisions made in the moment we think are the right ones and trust God with the outcome. We go about our day to day lives, doing our best to be a witness and an example of the gospel of Jesus to those we come into contact with. We do our jobs with diligence and integrity in order to bring God glory and to pay the bills. We raise our kids and set an example for them to emulate so they can then pass those same convictions on to their children to carry on a legacy of knowing Jesus and making Him known. Over the past five years, I believe I have experienced every emotion common to the human heart, at least once. Emotions ranging from being ecstatically happy and content to being the most broken and devastated I have ever been. My heart has known both incredible happiness and incredible loss. Such it is with living life on this earth. Life is not without its ups and downs; good days and bad days; good seasons and bad seasons. What makes the difference in these ever changing life situations is how I choose to look at them but also, how I choose to deal with them. It’s very easy to choose to stay down and depressed because somehow this brings comfort to my humanness. To wallow in the why’s and what-if’s of yesterday as opposed to embracing where God has placed me now. Embracing the present has been difficult, I have to admit. Because embracing the present means I must let the past go. Not forget it or the lessons I have learned from it but to store it away in my heart as a season that is gone forever, cherish the good memories, and realize God is ready for me to move on to the next one. Oh, how much easier it would be if God had written how to do this into my DNA when He created me. That the ever changing seasons of life would come as easily to me as they do to my grass and my tree. But that’s not how it works. Instead, in my humanness, I experience life as it comes, sometimes being effected and influenced by the life-choices of others, filtered through the hand of my Creator, in order for me to turn my eyes toward Him for His strength, His guidance, and His will. That is, if I choose to do it that way. Sometimes I don’t and I opt for the pity-party or the wallowing-in-the-past scenario. But I’ve learned I don’t always realize I’m wallowing until I open up and share my heart with another to help me sort through the myriad of emotions I’m feeling. I have learned that letting go is also a process; just as healing is. Earlier this month, I took my first vacation of the year. I usually head to the mountains for solitude to enjoy God’s beautiful creation, write, read my Bible, and rest. This year was different. With the cost of everything being higher these days, I decided on a stay-cation. There were stacks of boxes I’d moved from my old house that had been piled up in closets and in the garage from when I moved into my new house five years

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