Getting to the Root
I mowed my yard today. Now that Spring is here once again, my weekend chore of mowing the lawn is upon me and let me assure you, it is a chore. I have never enjoyed yard work. Never. I’ve always loved having a beautiful lawn but didn’t realize, until I had my own home, how much work actually goes into maintaining it. The actual grass hasn’t started growing yet. It is still dormant from the winter months. So, what did I spend my time mowing down? Weeds! Weeds in abundance! If a beautiful lawn were judged on how many weeds could be accumulated per square inch of grass, I would’ve won yard of the month! The construction of my home began the end of 2017 and was completed in March of 2018. I’m not sure about other parts of the country but builders in Alabama always use sod for the yards. When the sod was first put down, it was beautiful, and I don’t recall having too much trouble with weeds that first year. There was one small sticker bush on the far side of the lawn. It was pretty small so I just mowed over it and didn’t give it much thought after that. From a distance, the yard looked pretty good. The next weekend, it was time to mow again and, once again, there was that sticker. So, once again, I mowed over it. This scenario went on for the entire summer. When the grass finally went dormant and stopped growing, I was thankful for the break. When Spring of 2019 rolled around, it was back to my weekend chore of mowing the grass. And guess what had popped up through the ground before anything else? Yep! The same sticker bush I’d mowed over and over the Spring before. Only it wasn’t so small anymore. It was twice as big. So, this time instead of just mowing over it and calling it good, I used my weed eater and cut it down before I mowed. I cut it down pretty deep so I wouldn’t have to deal with it every weekend. For the rest of the summer, that sticker never popped back up through the ground. I guess cutting it deep down with the weed eater did the trick. Well, Spring has sprung once again and I knew all last week, if the rain held off over the weekend, I needed to mow. The weeds were getting pretty tall and looked horrible. I woke up to a beautiful blue sky so, after worshipping online with my church family, I went out to make my yard more presentable to the neighborhood. I edged with the weed eater first. I have a small tree in my front yard and knew I’d need to weed eat around the base of it because the lawn mower can’t get close enough. As I was making my way around the base of the tree, I looked over to my left and there was that sticker bush! Not only was it back, it was back with a vengeance! And it had tripled in size! My first thought was to just cut it down again with the weed eater but then I realized my mistake the previous season. I had left the root! I had cut the sticker bush back but I left the root intact! That would not happen this time. I cut away most of the bush with the weed eater to expose the root. I then went to the garage and got my shovel. I dug down deep around that root and cut it out! There is now a hole on the side of my yard but the sticker bush is gone! Later, as I was mowing down the rest of the weeds, the Holy Spirit started speaking to my heart. Just like my yard, my life gets infested with weeds and sticker bushes. The enemy wants nothing more than to see my life disrupted with things that keep me distracted and discouraged. And, just like my yard, when left unattended, those things grow. If I don’t take those disruptions seriously or just hope they’ll go away, they’re sure to come back and, almost always, with a vengeance. That’s what happened in my marriage. When I first started sensing something was wrong, I didn’t want to face it because how would I handle it if it were true? I was afraid to know the truth. The Holy Spirit kept showing me little things that were wrong but I was having a difficult time wrapping my mind around them. When I would approach my former spouse and ask about these things God was revealing, he’d tell me they weren’t true and that I was imagining them. And because my heart wanted to believe him, it did. That went on for about four years. Believing him and accepting that I was just imagining things, made everything seem better, for a little while. But something was most definitely wrong. We didn’t talk much but his resentment towards me seemed to be growing. I didn’t know what I had done to deserve the resentment he projected towards me but it was there. When his affair and second family were finally revealed, it was the most grievous event I’d ever faced. But, even through the pain of it all, I truly thought we’d be able to work it all out then God would miraculously heal our marriage and we’d be better than ever. I was wrong. Just as the sticker bush in my yard had tripled in size, the problems in my marriage had done the same. The only way to fix it for good, and for healing to take place, was to get to the root and cut it out. And that’s exactly what God did. My marriage was like a sticker bush around my heart. It had taken over completely and was well on its way to devouring me. It had taken over with a
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