Reflecting on Thankfulness

This year has passed all too quickly! It seems like I shouldn’t be sitting here reflecting on all this year has held already. However, I have learned the older I get the faster time flies. It’s just a reality of life that must be embraced because it is truth, no matter how much it always seems to surprise me. When Tami and I started this website ministry, back in July of 2018, we had no idea we’d have as many hits and viewers as our stats now show. It is humbling, to say the least. Even though we don’t receive much feedback or comments on our content, the map shows us how many log on and view and/or read our posts and for that, we are forever grateful. I am not much of a website expert nor do I really know how to track data as I’d like to, but if you’ve been one of our consistent followers and we just don’t know because your comments don’t get recorded or tracked appropriately (due to my lack of tech savy-ness), please send us an email at because we’d love to hear from you! With that being said, we want you to know that we are thankful for you! So very thankful!! Thank you for supporting us and being faithful to our website and blog. We are grateful for all the Holy Spirit has allowed us to share. He has stretched us in different ways and we have learned, grown, and healed on this journey with you. Our prayer is that each and every word has touched you and blessed you in a profound way. We pray you were (and are) able to hear what the Holy Spirit was (and is) speaking to your heart through the words He placed on our hearts to share. We are thankful that God is a personal God. He deals with us individually and He never plays favorites. We are all the same at the foot of the cross. He has a unique path for each one of His children. He knows our exact circumstances and will lead each one of us according to His will for our lives. Our part is to be obedient and follow Him with complete faith and trust. We realize this is easier said than done but we can assure you, from personal experience, that it is WELL worth it. The pathway He’s prepared may be rough and full of valley’s at times, but He is there. Always there. Going before us. We are thankful for grace. God’s Riches At Christ’s Expense. Unmerited favor. Underserved yet lavished upon us. His amazing, matchless grace. He took our sin upon Himself then He gives us approval that we don’t deserve. It doesn’t make sense but it’s exactly what He did. Oh, how we thank Him for grace. We are thankful for God’s love and forgiveness. For His unconditional love. We are thankful He accepts us just as we are but loves us too much to leave us that way. He wants to transform us. He wants His love to so permeate our hearts that it spills out on all those around us. We are thankful, also, for His forgiveness. Through His precious blood, we are covered and it has cleansed us from ALL unrighteousness. We are no longer condemned. Even while we were still sinful and far away from Him, He died for us so we could be forgiven. Yes, we still fail and fall short but His love never waivers and His blood always covers. Oh, there is supernatural power in that redeeming blood. Oh, how thankful we are for His love and forgiveness of sin. We are thankful for valleys; for it’s in the valley we feel Him the closest to us. Valleys are for our growth and refinement. Valleys are for testing. Valleys are necessary. Valleys are for our good. Valleys are where He carries us. He cries with us. He laughs with us and He waits for us. We have learned so much in the valley. I think that’s why we so often find ourselves there. If all we ever experienced were mountain-top victories, how would we know what God can do in the valley? The valley shows us who God is. There’s such sweet and comforting fellowship in the valley. We are thankful for valleys. We are thankful for the quiet. It’s in the quiet when we listen the most intently. It’s in the quiet we can pour over His precious word and allow the Holy Spirit to speak truth into our hearts. It’s in the quiet we can lift up our praise as well as our petitions. It’s in the quiet where there are no distractions. Oh, how thankful we are for the quiet. We are thankful for healing. While healing is a process that can sometimes be excruciating, along with the healing comes a quiet confidence and strength you cannot explain. You know it’s God-given because it’s nothing you could have done on your own. It’s part of the process. While you grieve the loss or the tragedy, God is not only healing those wounds, He’s creating and developing an inner strength you don’t even realize is there. It’s not haughty or puffed-up because you know from whence you came…I like to call it a hot mess. God takes the ashes of your brokenness and molds them into something beautiful and stronger than you could ever possibly imagine. Oh, how very thankful we are for healing. As this year is very close to being at its end, a new one is just around the corner, LORD willing. Tami and I are looking forward to sharing more stories, more scripture, and more of what God is doing in our lives on this journey toward healing and restoration. Thank you all, once again, for logging on and letting us share just a small glimpse into our lives with Jesus. We appreciate you! Your Sisters in Christ,

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